How to get unlimited marketing ideas? 5 Free Tools to find ideas that work

Unlimited Marketing Ideas
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Finding ways to get more ideas for ad campaigns?

Do you feel stuck on getting marketing ideas?

There are ways to solve it.

Tapping on the highest traffic in the world and see what works and learn from it.

With these 5 free tools, there are unlimited marketing ideas for every business.

You can use these 5 tools for inspiration when you’re feeling stuck or stressed, no matter what type of brand, industry or organization you’re marketing for.

Facebook Ad Library

This is the perfect place to check your industry or different industries’ campaigns. We can see how they write for their audience, their common words, structure their selling points, and what marketing ideas work for their business.

Amazon book store & product list

We can search for the keywords relevant to our industry and find the best-selling product and books for that relevant topics. And we can learn how they market the product and the key benefits the customer keeps repeating in their review. I often find review is the best place for us to understand customers’ needs and concerns. Other than Amazon, we can also search other platforms like Shopee in the Asia market and JD / Tmall in China.


I will find the relevant keywords on YouTube and sort them by the highest view videos. From here, I will check how they write their thumbnail and video title and what are the common things they mentioned in their video. From here, I can often find some interesting marketing angles and headlines that work.


From Google, I will search for the relevant keywords and find the top-ranking website at a different location. For example, I can search for wrinkle reduction treatments in New York or Singapore and adapt them for the Malaysian market. Often the top ranking websites have the best SEO titles too. Other than that, I will also check People also ask part from Google to get more ideas.

MindMap Tool Xmind

After getting all these ideas from different channels, we will most likely be overwhelmed with all the ideas and unsure how to organise them in a structured way. For us, I will organise all the ideas with Mind Map with 3 main topics: health, wealth, & relationship, which are the core things people are willing to pay for. Then I will break down the main topic into subtopics, for example: if we want to find ideas to sell blueberries.


  • Eyes
  • Brain


  • Buy for Mother
  • Buy for Children
  • Buy for friend


  • Additional income for grocers
  • Restaurant new recipe for the menu

Using Mind Map can help us generate more content ideas we haven’t thought about.

In short, use these tools to get unlimited marketing ideas:

  1. Facebook Ad Library – Find competitors & non-competitor ads
  2. Amazon – Find best-selling products and books, check their review
  3. YouTube- Find the highest view videos, check thumbnails & video titles
  4. Google – Find the highest ranking websites, check their copywriting and SEO titles
  5. MindMap Tool Xmind – List down all the content and identify which one to work on

There is 1 product, but we can use 1000 ideas to sell it.

We can find unlimited ways to market it.

As long as we have the will to sell it and some tools to help.

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